Saturday, March 21, 2009

If you give a mouse a cookie... it will eat it and infest your house.

So the other night I saw a ballet version of Romeo and Juliet. There was this really touching scene when Romeo realizes Juliet is dead, and he takes her limp body and tries to dance with it. It was done really well (she did sort of help him a little, but it wasn’t distracting at all) and it was very moving. But of course it made me think of necrophilia (Despite the fact that I didn't want to think about necrophilia, cuz, ew). Which of course meant I had to look up the Wikipedia article on it, which of course lead me to the article on praying mantises, which of course meant that I was clicking around Wikipedia for hours, which of course meant that eventually I ended up at the article for Romeo and Juliet. Of course.

Take that Felicia Bond! Speaking of which, I’m going to go make some cookies now.

(Okay, okay, that’s not how it actually went down, but honestly, would you have been surprised if it had?)

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