Sunday, October 18, 2009

Nanowrimo update 1

Fourteen days until Nanowrimo, and my pre-Nano planning is going very well. So far I've basically figured out why my character lives forever (though I need to figure out if moon soil is actually fertile, and if so, how does it compare to earth soil?) and my plot has progressed from a simple character study to a revolutionary sci-fi tale about a reluctant leader who perhaps just created utopia without meaning to. ("Revolutionary sci-fi tale" meaning a sci-fi tale about a revolution. I doubt the story will change anyone's life except mine.)
I plan on updating as things progress, and especially as Nanowrimo itself gets into full swing. Though how I'm going to manage updating a blog when I'm supposed to be writing 2,000 words a day on top of school and work and life:other, is anybody's guess.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


...does wonders for a blog.

I am technically supposed to be working on homework while the husband is not here to distract me, but I am instead blogging, reading other people's blogs, and listening to Peter and the Wolf narrated by none other than David Bowie! Nice, eh? I'm also wondering what I'm going to do for NaNoWriMo, and if I'm really crazy enough to actually sit down November 1st having no prior idea of what I'm to write. Which is one of the options. But I'm definitely buying the t-shirt. Actually, the t-shirt I'm buying first is technically my reward for winning last year. Then I'll need to buy a t-shirt for winning this year. You know, if I do. But I might not get around to that until next year.